Marrakesh Camels and Nomads Expansion

Regular price $80.00 1 in stock
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    Number of Players: 1-4

    Playing Time:  90-120 Minutes

    Recommended Ages: 14+

    The big camel race is in full swing, and the spectators are cheering for their favourite.

    Nomads have arrived in Marrakesh and lend a hand wherever they are needed. New luxury goods can be found in the market and special buildings want to be discovered. Camels & Nomads includes 6 new modules: Camel Race, Nomads, Special Buildings, New Luxury Goods, New Provision Tiles, and New Oasis Tiles. They can be combined with the base game and offer even more variety, new strategical and tactical possibilities to be successful in Marrakesh!

    With the expansion modules:

    • Camels
    • Nomads
    • Special buildings
    • New luxury tiles
    • New provision tiles
    • New oasis tiles
    • Solo mode

    The solo mode pits you against a powerful bot who is not easily defeated.

    This expansion is compatible with all editions of the base game of Marrakesh.

      - $80.00

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