Aetherdrift Pre Release Kit
Prizes are awarded based on attendance and score of 2-0 or better.
Reminder You must have a partner to participate
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Cards and Coasters CA
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This Event is created to give new players and even experience players a chance to play with a new deck with out alterations.
This Event is 3 Rounds.
Prizes to be awarded based on attendance.
Please Remember to write the information of which deck you'd like to play.
Limited amount of each Deck Available
Abzan Armor - 6 Available
Mardu Surge - 6 Available
Jeskai Striker - 6 Available
Sultai Arisen - 6 Available
Temur Roar - 6 Available
We are excited to see which deck you choose!
Azban Armor Mardu Surge Jeskai Striker Sultai Arisen Temur Roar
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Cards and Coasters CA
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Come play 3 rounds of commander!
$15 entry, draw prizes, participation prizes and prizes for winning your last pod!
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Cards and Coasters CA
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