Come try out your deck agents other player!!!
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Cards and Coasters CA
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Reserve A table at Cards and Coasters for 2-8 People !
Cards and Coasters has A cover fee of 5$ a person plus a 5$ minimum Spend per person
We are an adult focused kid Friendly Space, This means we expect everyone to respect each other, the games, staff and space the same.
This Reservation is not meant for Birthdays if you'd like to book a birthday please call the store during business hours at 705-305-7077 or call about any other questions or concerns
You Must Provide:
Time, Number of people and Phone Number
*If any information is missing we will not be able to take your reservation*
Cards and Coasters CA has not added a description to this event
Cards and Coasters CA
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This Event is created to give new players and even experience players a chance to play with a new deck with out alterations.
This Event is 3 Rounds.
Prizes to be awarded based on attendance.
Please Remember to write the information of which deck you'd like to play.
Limited amount of each Deck Available
Abzan Armor - 6 Available
Mardu Surge - 6 Available
Jeskai Striker - 6 Available
Sultai Arisen - 6 Available
Temur Roar - 6 Available
We are excited to see which deck you choose!
Azban Armor Mardu Surge Jeskai Striker Sultai Arisen Temur Roar
Cards and Coasters CA has not added a description to this event
Cards and Coasters CA
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