One Piece - OP09 - Emperors in the New World Booster Pack

Regular price $9.00 12 in stock
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    Get ready to celebrate the 2nd anniversary with this exclusive booster pack! These cards are more opulently designed than ever, and they'll make the perfect addition to any ONE PIECE fan's collection! The 9th pack brings in a new era with the Four Emperors - Luffy and Buggy join Shanks as the newest rulers of the seas! Plus, the pack includes ONE PIECE ODYSSEY-themed cards that offer endless strategic options for players. And with the ability to combine new and existing cards, you can create formidable decks that even experienced players will struggle against! OP-09 Rarities Leader x6 Common x45 Uncommon x30 Rare x26 Super Rare x10 Secret Rare x2 Special Card x6 Treasure Rare x1 DON!! Card x1 with 126+1 types of cards, this pack is sure to please every ONE PIECE fan!

    - $9.00

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